Calypso Technology is a cloud-enabled software provider of cross-asset front-to-back solutions for financial markets. They serve over 35,000 users in over 60 countries. Founded in 1997, the company is headquartered in San Francisco and has over 20 offices across 18 countries.
Calypso Technology’s network was struggling to scale and meet the demands of the company’s 20+ global offices. Application performance wasn’t reliable and as a result, business was frequently disrupted. The IT organization recognized that they needed to graduate their scrappy start-up style into operating on a global scale and upgrading the network was a critical first step in this transformation.
Additionally, Calypso’s lean IT team manages everything IT from end-user desktop support to the WAN for the company’s 800+ employees. Like any IT organization, their time is valuable and needs to be prioritized, but they were spending countless hours managing ISPs and network issues.
“The saving grace of Aryaka is that it allows us to manage the WAN and our IT with such a lean staff.”
After first deploying Aryaka SmartServices to solve their connectivity issues in India, the company’s largest office outside of their San Francisco headquarters, Calypso then deployed Aryaka across their 20+ global sites. Network performance became reliable and application performance improved, allowing Calypso to embrace a SaaS-first strategy moving forward.
Equally important to enabling better, more reliable performance, however, has been Aryaka’s ability to support Calypso’s IT organization through its managed services.
Before Aryaka, Calypso’s lean IT team struggled with WAN complexity, including the overhead to manage their numerous ISPs across multiple time zones. This allows the IT team to focus on business transformation initiatives rather than day-to-day management of multiple ISPs across the globe.
Aryaka’s 24/7 operational capacity and link management service addressed this issue and continues to provide the organization with the resources to ensure network performance and give valuable time back to the IT team.
As Russell Wong, Global Director of IT at Calypso, describes, the peace of mind of having that support is critical:
“Seeing an alert before I go to bed at night and knowing that Aryaka is already diving into it, so that when I wake up, I know the connection is back up because Aryaka has already solved it has been invaluable.”
For Calypso, Aryaka’s support has become the gold standard.
“When we evaluate new vendors, we always ask: are they going to be as good as Aryaka’s support?“
Russell Wong
Global Director of IT, Calypso