WANs sing the blues

They call it stormy Monday,
but Tuesday’s just as bad
They call it stormy Monday,
but Tuesday’s just as bad
Lord and Wednesday’s worse,
Thursday’s oh so sad…
I’m sure most IT administrators can relate to these lyrics by T Bone Walker. What’s interesting about blues music is that the lyrics deal with broken hearts, people down on their luck, and lost relationships, but the rhythms and grooves are moving and uplifting.
Just as the blues can range from hard-driving to slow and moody, so too can WAN performance go from fast to slow. But, unlike a moving, sleepy blues song, a slow network is not a comfort. While lost and out of order packets may not be as emotionally damaging as a broken relationship, businesses do face turmoil when networks become as unreliable as a “cheatin’ heart.”
Global enterprises sing the blues when slow and unreliable networks cause delays for end-users and place undue stress on IT organizations. They are the ones that get stuck dealing with user complaints and resolving network problems. Bloated applications and chatty network protocols add unnecessary traffic that slow application delivery and download times. Remote users far from a data center are impacted by latency and packet errors, making the network unreliable.
[bctt tweet=”Unlike a blues song, a slow network is not a comfort. Does your WAN sing the blues?”]
”Baby the WAN don’t go,” becomes the mournful song of the day, when repeatedly accessed data is requested by users, and the network becomes inundated with the same requests, slowing response times.
Conversely, Aryaka delivers a consistent experience that is reminiscent of a sweet guitar solo that gently bends notes within a twelve bar sequence, and then screams in wild exuberance through another. Aryaka has a radically different approach to application delivery, acceleration, and optimization, with its network purpose-built for this cloud, mobile, and rich-media-heavy age.
Bandwidth constrained, high-latency networks, and content delivery inefficiencies are soothed like a sweet lyric or a deep bass line. You know the “House is a Rockin” when you see Aryaka speed applications from central or cloud datacenters to remote users around the world.
If your experience with your MPLS and WAN optimization providers makes you think of BB King’s classic, “The Thrill Is Gone,” maybe it’s time for a change.
You know I’m free, free now baby
I’m free from your spell
Oh I’m free, free, free now
I’m free from your spell
And now that it’s all over
All I can do is wish you well
If the thrill is gone from your WAN performance, and you want to get its mojo workin’, set your network free with Aryaka. The freedom obtained with Aryaka’s global, private, optimized, secure, and on-demand network addresses the unique needs of today’s cloud-first global enterprises. If your thrill is gone, give us a call, and we’ll help set you free.
– Jeff Vance
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