Are SaaS Cloud Applications Slowing You Down?

When it comes to productivity in today’s global business environment, every second counts. If your employees can check Twitter, order lunch, and buy something from Amazon in the time it takes to run a report, then slow cloud or SaaS application is hurting your business. A recent study on mobile and data management found that […]

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5 Reasons SD-WAN is Critical for Global Airlines like Air China

Industry experts believe that old legacy systems are unable to handle the exponential surge in passenger volume, fleet sizes, along with increasing customer expectations and global expansion of airline companies. For the airlines industry, the importance of global network connectivity ranges from business- to mission-critical. When network connectivity is lost or application performance is impacted, […]

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How CIOs Solve Office 365 Performance Woes with a Global SD-WAN Service
How CIOs Solve Office 365 Performance Woes with a Global SD-WAN Service

City & Guilds Group’s CIO Alan Crawford had a global problem on his hands. Employees in a newly acquired company in New Zealand were having difficulty using the organization’s Microsoft Office 365 service that employees used to collaborate. Collaboration is central to the $195 million firm, which offers training and skills development to education providers, governments, […]

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SD-WAN Solutions for Office 365 Application Performance
SD-WAN Solutions for Office 365 Application Performance

After an acquisition, IT puts a priority on getting new team members onboard so they can collaborate with peers, but that can be a challenge with international concerns, especially when it comes to sharing cloud resources. That was the hard lesson learned by City & Guilds Group, the global leader in elearning, offering everything from […]

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Choosing the Right SD-WAN for Your SaaS Connectivity

When Marc Benioff first came up with the idea of offering as a cloud-based application in 1999, little did he know about its ripple effect in the field of enterprise software. The idea was to move applications to the cloud, making them widely available for organizations of all shapes and sizes. The SaaS model […]

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Improving Global Microsoft Azure Performance with Aryaka
Improving Global Microsoft Azure Performance with Aryaka

We all know that in the world of the cloud-first digital enterprise, key business processes rely on network performance – if the network doesn’t deliver on the expected SLAs, there is direct impact on business results and employee productivity. A typical use case involves remote offices in distant geographies accessing application data that is stored […]

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Migrating to Azure? The network is critical to deployment success

Microsoft enterprise customers are migrating to the company’s Azure cloud computing platform in droves, with the company reporting 98% year-over-year revenue growth in its second fiscal quarter of 2018. The appeal is clear. Enterprise shops want to increase agility by getting out of the capital-intensive infrastructure business and start consuming computing as a service on […]

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Cloud transformation – Application Performance woes
Cloud transformation – Application Performance woes

It wasn’t a comfortable journey; redesigning all your legacy applications for the cloud, identifying the right IaaS architecture, migrating your CRM to the Salesforce cloud and signing up for Office 365. You even augmented capacity on your MPLS backbone to cater to the additional traffic from SaaS and IaaS applications. Cloud applications performed great in […]

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XaaS Connectivity Got You Down? There is a Way to Accelerate, Simplify, and Optimize
XaaS Connectivity Got You Down? There is a Way to Accelerate, Simplify, and Optimize

Starting with some perspective on the market, it is predicted that by 2020, 83% of all enterprise applications will be in the cloud. This isn’t surprising – in 2018, 50% of traffic on Aryaka was cloud and XaaS apps and that number is only increasing. The vast majority of prospects we speak to tell us […]

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CIOs: Is the Cloud driving you Crazy?
CIOs: Is the Cloud driving you Crazy?

Today’s CIOs face a number of heavy demands in building and managing a network for their global employees. Enabling workers to access cloud applications from anywhere, any time, on any device can be a difficult balancing act to manage. They need to make sure that application performance levels remain high and overall productivity never suffers, […]

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SD-WAN: Key considerations for Enterprise Digital Transformation
SD-WAN: Key considerations for Enterprise Digital Transformation

With nearly every business-critical application and resource migrating to the cloud, legacy wide area networks are straining to support rapidly evolving corporate requirements. IT has been trying to accommodate using a mix of disparate point solutions that add complexity to the WAN and don’t scale very well. The result lead to a series of integration […]

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Five Reasons Why It’s Time to Consider an SD-WAN Refresh
Five Reasons Why It’s Time to Consider an SD-WAN Refresh

From bandwidth to consistency, there are a lot of reasons why an organization should consider SD-WAN over MPLS or the public Internet. With so many factors to consider, it can be tough to determine which option is going to be the best fit for an organization. Our State of the WAN report aimed to cut […]

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